Today all the contemplatives gathered again at Urbaniana Pontifical University. We listened to talks by members of CICLSAL: Fr. Paciolla on autonomy, Msgr. Carballo on enclosure (biblical/theological roots) and Msgr. Pepe on the present and future of Federations. In sharing with Srs Bernadette Therese, Mary Clare and Angel during breaks we all affirmed the sense that the Congregation actually read and listened to our answers to the Roman questionnaire, which was heartening.
None of the speakers want to commit to what the final document that is "in the hands of the Holy Father" will say but their talks gave a sense of the wide sweep of it. My guess is that the un-associated monasteries will still have a choice about the matter. However, the emphasis placed on the importance of considering it as an obligation was very strong indeed. Great emphasis was placed on the PURPOSE for enclosure - our response to an invitation to give ourselves entirely to the search for God - rather than the structures of enclosure. It was actually inspiring. In the Q&A session during the last hour today we were urged (again) - particularly those who are Major Superiors - to take the responsibility for our own choices without asking permissions. From what was said it is possible (perhaps even likely) that the issue of a religious assistant for Assoc/Feds will rise from the ashes again. I'm certain this question will be raised at the meeting with the Generalate on the 3rd.
Speaking of which - Fr. Rafal made an appearance at the Salesianum, where we were finishing our dinner (around 9pm!) to announce that the meeting with the Generalate will take place there - at the Salesianum - on the 3rd, rather than at the Teresianum.
So! A few photos...
As we had a 3-hour break in the day (including lunch), BT and I went exploring. We did not have time to tour the Coliseum but we got there and could experience it from close up. 
A hallway looking into the Coliseum. Really awesome to be there! We both spoke about connecting this experience with Therese's.
Lunch at a nearby cafe...Pizza, of course!
Tempted by the near-by beverages!
Back for the afternoon session - Notice our American Sisters: Mary Clare, Angel in the back, Mother Virginia Marie and Mother Celeste in the front.
A French Carmelite and two Italian OCD's to Mother Celeste's right.
Today the headphones worked seamlessly! Alleluia!
Tomorrow is going to be a big day. The Pope will speak to all the religious (4,000+ expected) in Paul VI Hall. BT and I are going early in a cab with Mother May Catherine and her companion, Marion (sp?) in hopes of getting a better seat to see the Pope! BT has a way of managing the crowds that's awesome to witness. I may just give her my phone to take a selfie when she gets near enough to meet the Pope!
Blessings and love to all!