Saturday, January 30, 2016

Dear Sisters,
I don't have as many photos today. The reason: all the contemplatives were at Urbaniana Pontifical University all day (this time I spelled it right!) listening to talks -sections of which I missed. Well, the room was warm and the simultaneous translations mesmerizing....However, what I heard was excellent - especially Sr. Fernanda Barbiero, SMSD, who spoke about formation.
 Beginning with her talk the responses to the themes the Associations were asked to address in the questionnaire from Rome 18 months ago are being reflected back to us as a synthesis. It was heartening to hear Sr. Fernanda say that she spent 3 months pouring over more than 2,000 responses to the questionnaire and that she received particular insights about formation from the responses of the Carmelites and Poor Clares - specifically that formation today is seen as a process, a dynamic movement rather than the accumulation of information. It made me feel we were listened to - that our work did not end up in the bottom of the Tiber river! Sr. Jennifer (Australia) was able to retrieve a copy of her paper in English (Sr. F presented in Italian) and will share it with many of us when she has a way of doing so.
Though the Urbaniana had a much better equipment overall for simultaneous translation - BT's stopped working almost immediately. So we shared the ear buds. Sitting side by side, I had the L one in my right ear and BT had R one in her left ear. It worked! (Clever, these CCA nuns :)
So here are a few photos...
There are 4 more rows of nuns around this room.
The presenters:
Sr. Fernanda, Msgr Pepe, Cardinal Aviz, Msgr Pacciolla (I think that is the last one!)

The lunch they served us was really outstanding in every way including presentation:
Fresh flowers
Pasta to die for!

There are a few less Italian pastries on the planet thanks to Moi. :)

After lunch - those of us still able to walk went to small group discussions in language groups. There were 4 groups of  English-speaking nuns - 20 each. I was promptly asked to be secretary for reasons that are simply beyond me. They told me, "Well, you look the part." Hmmm. I probably look like a sucker. The proof?  I did it.
I really enjoyed the small group. I discovered 4 Americans in my group who I didn't know were Americans. Three poor-Clare nuns and a Visitandine, who facilitated. We shared about formation: what were the challenges and what were the signs of vitality? Besides the Americans, there were sisters from India, Africa, Scotland, Ireland, Holland (yes, our dear Lucia), Germany and Austria. Marvelous! We all said one of the signs of vitality is that we were invited to Rome and we were now able to have time speaking with each other as women religious about our own experiences. 

Following this we had an hour of adoration in the chapel - the same chapel pictured in my blog yesterday. The silence was interspersed with short readings and chanting - all planned and presented by a women's religious group - I THINK Sisters of the Divine Word. One of the nuns, dressed in a white robe moved slowly up the main aisle carrying incense, gently raising and lowering it from one side to the other until she reached the front and placed it before the Blessed Sacrament. It did my heart good. 

We waited in the bus terminal for 30 mins at least. A sight - hundreds of nuns waiting...

Tomorrow we will hear talks about autonomy, enclosure and the future of Federations...all themes we addressed in our responses. 
And by the way, 'THE' document we are all waiting for is "on the Pope's desk. It is not finished quite yet. It will not be long before you receive it." 

The time is passing quickly. And each day BT and I are aware that we are here on behalf of our wonderful CCA Sisters. Thank you for the privilege of serving you! 
Love and ciao! ciao! for now...

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