It is the end of a very long and exciting day...already 11pm in Rome...but the adrenaline will need time to simmer down before I can sleep!
Sr. Bernadette Therese and I decided to take a cab with 2 of our Filipino sisters in order to get a better seat and hopefully a better look at the Pope. So we were up shortly after 5pm and left at 6am. Our plan was to stop by McDonalds for an Americana coffee and an egg mcMuffin. But they weren't open that early so we opted to sacrifice our McDonald's for fresh Italian pastries and coffee at a bakery close to the Vatican.
It was still dark when we got in a packed security line!
We pass this lovely site on the way in to Paul VI the way, our first sunny day in Rome.
We listened to talks from 9 - 11, which is the hour the Pope was to appear. Thanks to BT we had good seats - the 3rd and 4th in from the aisle about half way down the hall. (We were working on the assumption that the Pope would enter down the main aisle - and this proved true.)
When the 11th hour struck - there was a scramble of people and when the dust cleared - BT was on the aisle - wonderful!
Srs. Mary Clare and Angel were just across from us. All eyes turned toward the entrance of the hall where we awaited the first glimpse of white. And we waited, and we waited and we waited - in the crush of people standing on chairs behind us and pushing in around us - for 50 minutes.
The Pope finally appeared and the crowd went wild. He was SURROUNDED by security, moved quickly and did not stop to reach out to anyone. But I managed to get these shots as he passed by:
That's BT in front of the Pope! |

He spoke specifically to the religious about 3 things: Prophecy (in relationship to obedience), Proximity (in relationship to our fraternal relationships in community) and Hope (in relationship to our declining numbers). It was in his usual soft-spoken and simple style - comprehensible to all. He exudes peace and authenticity. It was a privilege to be in his company!
After he spoke to us he came down from the stage and passed along the front row where religious with walkers and wheelchairs were seated. We were able to follow his movements because the TV cameras followed along and projected the image on the huge seen. All the Carmelites erupted in cheers when we saw him approach our German Sister, Mariam (Sp??), who was seated in a wheelchair. How thrilling for her! Only one other Carmelite greeted the Pope Francis personally - the President of the French-speaking Federation of Africa: Sr. Domitille. In greeting our sisters we felt he greeted each one of us personally! We are so happy for them and with them!
We had lunch and Mass at the Urbiania College chapel following the Papal audience. (I've since taken to calling it the Banana college. I'm too tired to pronounce the other!)
BT and I were presented with an opportunity to visit the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel tomorrow. We stopped in a shop to get tickets so we can avoid the long lines. From where we stood in the shop buying tickets - very near the Vatican - I took this photo of the police - ever present at crowded locations:
A very, very beautiful concert was prepared for us in Paul VI Hall to end the evening. Below is a photo of the program:
The trouble they have gone to in preparing this week for us is really amazing!
The end of an amazing day! And tomorrow will end an amazing year - the day we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation in the temple. The Pope will offer Mass in St. Peter's for us at 5:30pm. And by now you can guess what that means...long security lines! But somehow, with the spirit of joy that surrounds these days - it is all taken in good humor and patience.
You can be absolutely sure that you will be remembered in our prayers on this very special day.
May the Spirit bless each of our communities, and through our love and care for each other, stir into flame the Spirit of hope!
Love and Alleluia!
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